The Live the Lake NJ Family of businesses are a group of unique experiences and locations around Lake Hopatcong.
Pedal. Trek. Explore. Experience the lake and surrounding area with an adventure tour.
Not ready to commit to buying a pedalboard or hydrobike? Curious to try one? Lake Hopatcong Adventure Company offers an array of guided tours on the water from the Nolan's Point Boardwalk on our kayaks, pedalboards, or hydrobikes. Landlubbers and aquaphobes fear not! Book a hiking adventure or outing on property exclusively made available for Lake Hopatcong Adventure Company and its customers. Learn more about how you can get out and active with us!
Due to an emergency, Route 15 South is temporarily closed in Jefferson until further notice.
Please check your directional apps for alternate routes.
Safe travels and we will see you soon!